It’s been a busy week for the crew as there were many events packed into a fun weekend with First Session departing next week. Friday we had Food Packing Day at Cathedral High School. The crew went through the whole menu they planned, inventoried, measured, and bagged anything needed. We began dehydrating the rest of our food at Jonathon’s house on Saturday with green beans first. On Sunday all the crews met at a former Voyageur’s house for Beef Jerky Day where meat was meticulously cut and marinated before being dehydrated. Afterward, we had Crew Olympics out at Base Camp where the crew competed against the 3 other First-Year crews in 4 events: Paddling, Portaging, Tarp set-up, and Kettle Pack. Our crew finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in each event respectively, finishing 3rd overall and losing by one point overall, learning that we need to spend more time coiling rope. The boys are putting in good work, spending time out at the dehydrator, continuing to develop their skills, and growing strength. On Tuesday we portaged to the Road for the first time (1 mile) and a huge marker that I hoped to reach before we left.