Quick Links
Payment Information
Payments must be made by the due date, unless prearranged with Jack Grabinski. Our major purchases are timed around the payment due dates, so making payments on time is critical.
Payment schedule
(First-year trips only. The Far North payment information is found on the far north page).
Down Payment (Due 3/15/24)
Payment 1
Due 4/15/24
Payment 2
Due 5/15/24
Payment 3
Due 6/15/24
Total Fee
Payment methods
Pay Online
Payments will be invoiced to the participant and parents two weeks prior to payment due date, using QuickBooks. The invoice, received through email, can be paid directly using credit card or ACH.
Pay by check
Make checks out to “Les Voyageurs, Inc.”. Write the the name of the participant in the memo line. send checks to:
PO Box 2281
St. Cloud, MN 56302
Scholarships and Payment Plans
If you need to make a payment plan or discuss scholarship options, please contact Jack Grabinski as soon as possible.
Equipment orders and other add-ons
As discussed at the parent meeting, LVI has equipment for order at discounted pricing. If your son or daughter orders equipment through us, the amount will be due when your son/daughter picks it up.
Refund Policy
Scheduled payments are non-refundable UNLESS a suitable replacement is found. Should the replacement be able to pay the entire fee, all but the $350 Down Payment (plus the cost of purchased items) will be refunded. If no paying replacement can be found, ALL fees will be forfeited. If a crewperson is expelled due to alcohol, tobacco, chemical use, or behavioral issues, all fees will be forfeited.
If injury or illness occurs prior to the trip and in consultation with our medical advisor, prevents a crewperson from participating, all but the $350 will be refunded.