


Our application season is winding down but we still have spots to fill! If you are interested in a summer expedition, follow the button below. OR, shoot an email to program director, Jack Grabinski, to let him know you’re interested. We’ll talk soon!

jack@les-voyageurs.org | (320) 292-0082

"Expeditions North…Expeditions for Life"

It is the mission of Les Voyageurs to expand the horizons of young people as it challenges their physical, psychological, social and learning skills through an intense outdoor experience. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing a once in a lifetime experience to embark on a 28-day expedition into the remote Canadian wilderness. 

The center piece of our program, Expeditions North, provides young people with an extensive outdoor leadership program that includes an expedition of 28 days into remote regions of central and northern Manitoba and Ontario. Each crew consists of seven young people (tenth grade and above) and one or two experienced guides.


An unparalleled experience

Paddle, portage, and camp across the wilderness

An unparalleled experience

Paddle, portage, and camp across the wilderness

The expedition

Imagine you are 700 miles from home and hundreds of miles from the nearest road, in the middle of one of the last great expanses of wilderness in North America. You have just broken camp and step into the canoe you have loaded with over 250 pounds of cargo. For the first time of the day you have a moment to notice that the cold morning air has produced a magnificent display of fog that covers the shoreline. The silence is broken only by the slap of a surprised beaver and the familiar ‘shwoosh’ of your paddle propelling your canoe onward.

As the sun gains altitude, its brilliant rays warm your face and bring the promise of a spectacular day ahead. The canoe slips quietly through the ancient waters of the Canadian Shield when suddenly the faint sound of rushing water heralds excitement around that next bend…whitewater! Your training and skill prove worthy of the task and you manage to clear the rapids in expert style. With your bolstered confidence you now look forward to that next three-mile portage as a worthy challenge for the North's newest Voyageur.


Developing tomorrow's leaders

Since 1971

Developing tomorrow's leaders

Since 1971

From our alumni and friends

It’s been almost 30 years, but the lessons I learned on Les Voyageurs are still with me today. If you support Fred and his work with LVI, donate today and make a difference that will last a lifetime.
— Brian B.
The most incredible experience of my daughters life thus far. It has made her the confident young lady she is today.
— Gretchen D.
Les Voyageurs has been instrumental in helping my son become a hard working, focused, compassionate young man! I hope many more young people can have the same experience!
— Jean M.
What I find incredible to is how much I realize even today how I have benefited from my experience in this program three decades ago!
— Joe K.

Expanding horizons

Discover things you never thought possible

Expanding horizons

Discover things you never thought possible